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Last update: July 26, 2024

State Machines

The State machines segment manages and automates the various states and transitions of orders within the marketplace.

To add or configure order flows:

  1. Click State machines in the main menu.
  2. The next blade lists all the available order state flows. Select the flow you need to edit or click Add in the toolbar to add a new flow.
  3. In the next blade, configure the following fields:

    Edit states

  4. Click Save in the toolbar to save the changes.

Expand the example below to see an order processing workflow algorithm and its JSON representation.


Order states transition


    "name": "New",
    "type": "StateMachineState",
    "description": "Just created order",
    "isInitial": true,
    "isFinal": false,
    "stateData": {},
    "transitions": [
        "trigger": "Confirm",
        "description": "If you want to confirm order",
        "toState": "Confirmed",
        "icon": "far fa-check-circle"
        "trigger": "Cancel",
        "description": "If you want cancel order",
        "toState": "Cancelled",
        "icon": "fas fa-times-circle"
    "name": "Confirmed",
    "type": "StateMachineState",
    "description": "Confirmed by a vendor order",
    "isInitial": false,
    "isFinal": false,
    "stateData": {},
    "transitions": [
        "trigger": "Pack",
        "description": "Packed & Ready to Ship order",
        "toState": "Packaged",
        "icon": "fas fa-box"
        "trigger": "Cancel",
        "description": "If you want cancel order",
        "toState": "Cancelled",
        "icon": "fas fa-times-circle"
    "name": "Packaged",
    "type": "StateMachineState",
    "description": "Packed & Ready to be shipped by a Vendor",
    "isInitial": false,
    "isFinal": false,
    "stateData": {},
    "transitions": [
        "trigger": "Ship",
        "description": "Ready to Ship the order",
        "toState": "Shipped",
        "icon": "fas fa-shipping-fast"
    "name": "Shipped",
    "type": "StateMachineState",
    "description": "Already shipped order",
    "isInitial": false,
    "isFinal": true,
    "stateData": {},
    "transitions": []
    "name": "Cancelled",
    "type": "StateMachineState",
    "description": "Cancelled order",
    "isInitial": false,
    "isFinal": true,
    "stateData": {},
    "transitions": []