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Last update: January 29, 2025

Main Menu Setup

By default, catalog menu is automatically generated based on the existing categories. Let's create own menu and add a View all products category:

Dropdown menu

  1. Go to Content → Your store → Link lists.
  2. In the next blade, click Add in the toolbar.
  3. In the next blade, let's create root categories as follows:

    Root categories

  4. Click Create. Your link list appears in the previous blade.

  5. Click Add in the Link lists blade.
  6. In the next blade, let's create subcategories as follows:

    Link lists

  7. Click Create. Your link list appears in the previous blade.

    Continue adding subcategories to the root categories according to the example above.

  8. Copy the name of your root link list (dental-store in our example).

  9. Go to Stores → Your store → Settings.
  10. In the Settings blade, find Virto Commerce Frontend settings and paste the name of the root link list into the Top level catalog linked list field:

    Top catalog level

Your new dropdown menu appears in the Frontend Application.