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Last update: September 18, 2024

Get Started

In this guide, we will explore how to start using VirtoCommerce.GlobalTool.


  • .NET SDK 8.x
  • Node.js 12.x
  • Git SCM


To install VirtoCommerce.GlobalTool on your machine, run:

dotnet tool install VirtoCommerce.GlobalTool  -g


To update VirtoCommerce.GlobalTool to the latest version, run:

dotnet tool update VirtoCommerce.GlobalTool -g


  • To use VirtoCommerce.GlobalTool, run:

  • To get the list of all targets, run:

    vc-build help

    Command output

    There is a help for targets:
    - Init
    - Install
    - Update
    - InstallModules
    - InstallPlatform
    - Uninstall
    - Clean
    - Restore
    - Compile
    - Pack
    - Test
    - PublishPackages
    - QuickRelease
    - Publish
    - WebPackBuild
    - Compress
    - PublishModuleManifest
    - SonarQubeStart
    - SonarQubeEnd
    - Release
    - ClearTemp
    - DockerLogin
    - BuildImage
    - PushImage
    - BuildAndPush
    - Configure
    - CloudEnvUpdate
    - CloudEnvSetParameter
    - CloudEnvStatus
    - CloudAuth
    - CloudInit
    - CloudEnvList
    - CloudEnvRestart
    - CloudEnvStatus
    - CloudEnvLogs
    - CloudDown
    - CloudDeploy
    - CloudUp
  • To get help for the specific target, run:

    vc-build help NameOfTheTarget

Usage Examples

Below are the examples of using specific targets.

  • Compress

    The target is used to create a redistributable zip archive for a module or platform. After executing, the resulting zip is placed in the artifacts folder. To execute this target, run the following command in the root module folder of the cloned GitHub repository:

    vc-build compress

    Console output:

    Target             Status      Duration
    Clean              Executed        0:00
    Restore            Executed        0:07
    Compile            Executed        0:06
    WebPackBuild       Executed        0:00
    Test               Executed        0:05
    Publish            Executed        0:01
    Compress           Executed        0:01
    Total                              0:23
  • StartRelease, CompleteRelease, QuickRelease, StartHotfix, CompleteHotfix are used to automate routine operations with release branches.

  • StartRelease creates and pushes the new branch release/version from dev.

  • CompleteRelease:

    • Merges release/version into master and pushes.
    • Merges into dev branch, increments version's minor and pushes.
  • QuickRelease triggers StartRelease and then CompleteRelease.

  • StartHotfix:

    • Increments version's patch in master.
    • Creates and pushes the new branch hotfix/version.
  • CompleteHotfix:

    • Merges hotfix branch into master.
    • Adds tag and pushes.