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Last update: September 16, 2024


The Virto Commerce Global Tool (vc-build) is the official CLI .NET Core GlobalTool that helps you:

  • Build, test and deploy releases.
  • Create and push NuGet packages.
  • Provide package management for projects based on VirtoCommerce.
  • Automate common DevOps tasks.

It is powered by - a cross-platform build automation system with C# DSL, that provides an approach to embrace existing IDE tooling and state where everyone in a team can manage and change the build scenarios. This allows writing build scenarios in C# and debugging them in Visual Studio. Also, along with cross-platform support, it was the best choice for us to build our own build automation solution on top of this project.

vc-build CLI

Key features

  • Build automation:

    • Build and bundle a module project (both managed and scripted parts).
    • Discover and run all the unit tests from the solution.
    • Create and publish NuGet packages for projects from your solution, this can be helpful if you intend to re-use a module's logic in another project, you will be able to quickly publish the needed version as a NuGet package. In the private or public NuGet registry.
    • Include targets that allow performing various additional quality checks such as static code analysis (currently we support out-of-the-box integration with SonarCloud).
  • Packages management:

    • Install, update, and uninstall modules.
    • Install and update platform application.
    • Prepare backend package with specific versions of the platform and modules from the manifest file.
  • Platform cold start optimization and data migration (WIP):

    • Platform start optimization (slow run on Azure case).
  • Grab migrator utility quickstart:

    • Get idempotent SQL scripts for all modules EF migrations with the ability to apply them in a specific order without installed platform and source code.

Source code