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Last update: November 19, 2024

Package Management

The vc-build tool provides a set of targets that allow you to easily install, update, and uninstall platform dependencies using simple CLI commands (applies to module and platform releases). There is also a Configure target that allows to configure the platform's connection strings.



Install and Update support scenarios where a developer has the platform in the source code, and modules are already installed in it. In such cases, these targets can install and update modules as well. This means that if you have the platform in your source code repository and modules already installed within it, you can still use the install and update targets to manage those modules.

The install command fetches the platform or modules and installs them in the appropriate folder. Versions can be specified in command parameters or defined in vc-package.json. This allows vc-build to easily restore the platform with modules on a different machine, such as a build server, without all these packages.

If the command parameters have not been specified and vc-package.json is not found in the local folder, the command installs the latest stable release by default. If you need the latest available versions, use the -edge parameter.

By default, the install command installs all modules listed as dependencies in vc-package.json.

The path to vc-package.json, discovery, and probing paths can be overridden with the PackageManifestPath, DiscoveryPath, ProbingPath parameters. We can also skip dependency solving with SkipDependencySolving parameter.

This target installs stable versions of modules by default. If you need the latest available versions, use the -edge parameter.

If you use a source that requires authorization, you can pass tokens using the following parameters:

  • GithubToken: This token is used to authenticate and authorize access to GitHub resources.
  • GitLabToken: This token is used to authenticate and authorize access to GitLab resources.
  • AzureToken: This parameter represents the Azure Personal Access Token (PAT). Azure PAT is a security token that allows you to authenticate and access Azure resources.
  • AzureUniversalPackagesPat: This parameter represents the Azure PAT specifically used for Universal Packages. Universal Packages are a type of package feed in Azure DevOps that allows you to store and distribute packages.
  • AzureSasToken: This parameter represents the Azure Shared Access Signature (SAS) Token for Azure Blob storage. Azure Blob storage is a service for storing large amounts of unstructured data, such as images, videos, and documents.
vc-build install
vc-build install -GitLabToken $GITLAB_TOKEN
vc-build install -platform -version <version>
vc-build install -platform -PlatformAssetUrl
vc-build install -module <module> -version <version>
vc-build install -module <module>:<version>
vc-build install -PackageManifestPath some_directory/vc-package.json -DiscoveryPath ../modules -ProbingPath platform_dir/app_data/modules -SkipDependencySolving

You can install any required Virto Commerce module by specifying its Id and version:

vc-build install -module <moduleId> -version <version>
vc-build install -module <moduleId>:<version>
vc-package.json file example
  "Sources": [
      "Name": "GithubReleases",
      "ModuleSources": [
      "Modules": [
          "Id": "VirtoCommerce.Assets",
          "Version": "3.200.0"
      "Name": "GithubPrivateRepos",
      "Owner": "VirtoCommerce",
          "Id": "vc-module-custom",
          "Version": "3.16.0"
      "Name": "AzurePipelineArtifacts",
      "Organization": "<The name of the Azure DevOps organization.>",
      "Project": "<Project ID or project name>",
      "Modules": [
          "Id": "vc-module-custom",
          "Version": "3.14.0",
          "Branch": "<Branch name>",
          "Definition": "<definition name with optional leading folder path, or the definition id>"
      "Name": "AzureUniversalPackages",
      "Organization": "<YOUR_ORGANIZATION>",
      "Feed": "<FEED_NAME>",
      "Project": "<YOUR_PROJECT_NAME>",
      "Modules": [
          "Id": "<PACKAGE_NAME>",
          "Version": "<PACKAGE_VERSION>"
      "Name": "AzureBlob",
      "Modules": [
          "BlobName": ""
      "Container": "modules",
      "ServiceUri": ""
      "Name": "GitlabJobArtifacts",
      "Modules": [
          "JobId": "3679907995",
          "ArtifactName": "artifacts/",
          "Id": "42920184"
      "Name": "Local",
      "Modules": [
          "Path": "C:/projects/vc/vc-module-saas/artifacts/",
          "Id": "OptionalForThisSource"
          "Path": "C:\\projects\\vc\\vc-module-catalog\\artifacts\\VirtoCommerce.Catalog"
  "ManifestVersion": "2.0",
  "PlatformVersion": "3.216.0"


You can skip the backup step by using the -skip backup parameter, but you should be aware of all the risks involved.


This command updates the platform and all modules linked to the version specified by <version>, respecting semver. If <version> is not specified, the component will be updated to the latest version. If no args are specified, the platform and all modules in the specified location will be updated.

This command also updates the installed dependency versions in the vc-package.json file. Since the version 3.15.0 this target updates to stable bundles by default. If you want to update to the latest available versions you can add -edge parameter. You can specify the bundle to update your environment to specific versions using -v parameter.

vc-build update (with no args)
vc-build update -edge
vc-build update -v 5
vc-build update -platform


The uninstall command removes the specified module and its dependencies. It also removes uninstalled modules from your vc-package.json.

vc-build uninstall -module <module>


vc-build uninstall -Module VirtoCommerce.Cart VirtoCommerce.Catalog


The configure command checks and updates connection strings in the appsettings.json file.

vc-build configure -sql <sql connection string> -redis <redis connection string> -AzureBlob <container connection string>


  • -AppsettingsPath (optional): Specifies a path to the appsettings.json file:

    vc-build configure -sql <sql connection string> -redis <redis connection string> -AzureBlob <container connection string> -appsettingsPath ./appsettings.json