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Last update: August 24, 2024

Managing Dynamic Properties

Virto Commerce Platform enables adding new properties to entities at runtime.

Add New Dynamic Property for Existing Type from UI

To add a new dynamic property:

  1. Open Platform and click Dynamic properties in the main menu.
  2. In the next blade, select the desired object type.
  3. In the next blade, click Add new property in the toolbar.
  4. Fill in the property name, its value type, display order, etc. Then enable the switches as follows:

    Dynamic properties

  5. Click Create to save the changes.

A new dynamic property has been added.

Edit Object Values

The dynamic properties are edited via the Dynamic properties widget. For example, to edit dynamic properties of a specific order:

  1. Open Platform and click Orders in the main menu.
  2. In the next blade, select the desired order.
  3. In the next blade, click on the dynamic properties widget.
  4. The next blade lists the available properties to edit:

    Dynamic Properties widget

  5. Click OK in the toolbar to save the changes.

The modifications have been saved.