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Last update: August 24, 2024

Register New Notification Type

This guide describes the basic steps to define a new e-mail notification type, including its registration in the notification registry.

Sample code


Define custom email notification type

Create a notification and give it a name, for example, SampleEmailNotification, basing it on the EmailNotification class (as opposed to another standard class, SmsNotification):

public class SampleEmailNotification : EmailNotification
    public SampleEmailNotification() : base(nameof(SampleEmailNotification)) {}
    public string Greeting { get; set; }

Registration in notification registry

Register your SampleEmailNotification in the notification registry:

public void PostInitialize(IApplicationBuilder appBuilder)
    var registrar = appBuilder.ApplicationServices.GetService<INotificationRegistrar>();
    registrar.RegisterNotification<SampleEmailNotification>().WithTemplates(new EmailNotificationTemplate()
                Sample = "",
                Subject = "Hi { greeting }",
                Body = "My cool email body

Notes to the code:

Line 4: Getting the instance of INotificationRegistrar type that stores all known notification types used in the system.

Line 5: Registering SampleEmailNotification and setting a default template by running the WithTemplates extension method. In Template.Subject, we use the {greeting} liquid expression that will be replaced with the Greeting property value of the SampleEmailNotification class instance after rendering.

Localize notifications

Virto Platform Manager supports localization resources for notification types. This is achieved by adding a JSON object to the notificationTypes section, the key having the same name as the notification type:

 "notificationTypes": {
    "SampleEmailNotification": {
      "displayName": "Sample email notification",
      "description": "Some sample email description"

Send notifications

To send a notification from your code, use two interfaces: INotificationSearchService and INotificationSender.

You can send a notification based on this code sample as follows:

public class SampleSenderService 
    private readonly INotificationSearchService _notificationSearchService;
    private readonly INotificationSender _notificationSender;

    public SampleService(INotificationSender notificationSender, INotificationSearchService notificationSearchService)
        _notificationSender = notificationSender;
        _notificationSearchService = notificationSearchService;

   public async Task SendSampleNotification()
     //Resolve the notification instance from known notification types via registry
     var notification = await _notificationSearchService.GetNotificationAsync<SampleEmailNotification>();
     //Set the language code to use template that has this language or left empty, then template with empty language will be used
     notification.LanguageCode = 'en-US';
     notification.From = "[email protected]";
     notification.To = "[email protected]";
     notification.Greeting = "John"
     //Sending notification asynchronously
     await _notificationSender.ScheduleSendNotificationAsync(notification);     

Notes to the code:

Line 15: Constructing a new instance of the SampleEmailNotification type by calling the INotificationSearchService.GetNotificationAsync<> extension method.

Lines 16 to 19: Populating the required email notification properties, such as From and To, and setting a value for our custom Greeting property; this value will be eventually interpolated in the email subject, for example, Hi { greeting } → Hi John.