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Last update: July 26, 2024

Property object

This type represents a type or category of properties. Properties are used to provide additional information or attributes for products and variations.


Field Description
id String The Id of the property type.
name String! The name of the property type.
hidden Boolean! Indicates whether the property type is hidden or visible.
multivalue Boolean! Indicates whether the property type allows multiple values.
displayOrder Int The order in which the property type should be displayed.
label String The label of the property type.
type String The type or category of the propertyType.
valueType String The data type of the property values.
value PropertyValue The default value or values associated with the property type.
valueId String The Id of the default value for the property type.
propertyDictItems(...) PropertyDictionaryItemsConnection A connection to retrieve the dictionary items associated with the property type.