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Last update: July 26, 2024

CustomerOrderType object

This type represents a customer order.


Field Description
id String! The Id of the customer order.
operationType String! The type of operation associated with the customer order.
parentOperationId String The Id of the parent operation.
number String! The unique number or Id of the customer order.
isApproved Boolean! Indicates whether the customer order is approved.
status String The current status of the customer order.
statusDisplayValue String A representation of the current status of the customer order. Localized representation, if any.
comment String A comment or note associated with the customer order.
outerId String An external Id for the customer order.
isCancelled Boolean! Indicates whether the customer order is cancelled.
cancelledDate DateTime The date and time when the customer order was cancelled.
cancelReason String The reason for canceling the customer order.
objectType String! The type of the customer order object.
customerId String! The Id of the customer associated with the order.
customerName String The name of the customer associated with the order.
channelId String The Id of the channel associated with the order.
storeId String! The Id of the store associated with the order.
storeName String The name of the store associated with the order.
organizationId String The Id of the organization associated with the order.
organizationName String The name of the organization associated with the order.
employeeId String The Id of the employee associated with the order.
employeeName String The name of the employee associated with the order.
shoppingCartId String The Id of the shopping cart associated with the order.
isPrototype Boolean! Indicates whether the order is a prototype.
subscriptionNumber String The number or Id of the subscription associated with the order.
subscriptionId String The Id of the subscription associated with the order.
fee MoneyType The fee amount associated with the order.
purchaseOrderNumber String The purchase order number associated with the order.
feeWithTax Decimal! The fee amount with tax included.
feeTotal Decimal! The total fee amount.
feeTotalWithTax Decimal! The total fee amount with tax included.
taxType String The type of tax applied to the order.
taxPercentRate Decimal! The tax percent rate applied to the order.
languageCode String The language code associated with the order.
createdDate DateTime! The date and time of the order creation.
createdBy String The user or entity who created the order.
modifiedDate DateTime The date and time when the order was last modified.
modifiedBy String The user or entity who last modified the order.
currency CurrencyType The currency type used for monetary values in the order.
total MoneyType The total amount of the order.
taxTotal MoneyType The total tax amount for the order.
discountAmount MoneyType The total discount amount applied to the order.
subTotal MoneyType The subtotal amount for the order.
subTotalWithTax MoneyType The subtotal amount with tax included.
subTotalDiscount MoneyType The total discount applied to the order sub-total.
subTotalDiscountWithTax MoneyType The total discount amount with tax included for the order sub-total.
subTotalTaxTotal MoneyType The total tax amount applied to the order sub-total.
shippingTotal MoneyType The total shipping amount for the order.
shippingTotalWithTax MoneyType The total shipping amount with tax included.
shippingSubTotal MoneyType The shipping sub-total amount for the order.
shippingSubTotalWithTax MoneyType The shipping sub-total amount with tax included.
shippingDiscountTotal MoneyType The total discount applied to the shipping.
shippingDiscountTotalWithTax MoneyType The total discount amount with tax included for the shipping.
shippingTaxTotal MoneyType The total tax amount applied to the shipping.
paymentTotal MoneyType The total payment amount for the order.
paymentTotalWithTax MoneyType The total payment amount with tax included.
paymentSubTotal MoneyType The payment sub-total amount for the order.
paymentSubTotalWithTax MoneyType The payment sub-total amount with tax included.
paymentDiscountTotal MoneyType The total discount applied to the payment.
paymentDiscountTotalWithTax MoneyType The total discount amount with tax included for the payment.
paymentTaxTotal MoneyType The total tax amount applied to the payment.
discountTotal MoneyType The total discount amount for the order.
discountTotalWithTax MoneyType The total discount amount with tax included for the order.
addresses [OrderAddressType]! Addresses associated with the order.
items [OrderLineItemType]! Items (order line items) included in the order.
inPayments [PaymentInType]! In-payment entities associated with the order.
shipments [OrderShipmentType] Shipments associated with the order.
taxDetails [OrderTaxDetailType]! Tax details for the order.
dynamicProperties [DynamicPropertyValueType] An array of dynamic property value types.
coupons [String] Coupon codes applied to the order.
discounts [OrderDiscountType] Discount entities associated with the order.
availablePaymentMethods [OrderPaymentMethodType] An array of available payment methods for the order.