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Last update: July 26, 2024

FacetRangeType object

This type represents a range within a facet used for filtering search results based on numerical or range-based attributes.


Field Description
count Long! The count of items within this range.
from Long! The starting value of the range.
includeFrom Boolean! A boolean indicating whether the starting value of the range is inclusive.
fromStr String A string representation of the starting value of the range.
max Long! The maximum value within the range.
min Long! The minimum value within the range.
to Long! The ending value of the range.
includeTo Boolean! A boolean indicating whether the ending value of the range is inclusive.
toStr String A string representation of the ending value of the range.
total Long! The total count of items within the entire range.
label String! The human-readable label or display name for the range.
isSelected Boolean! A boolean indicating whether this range is currently selected for filtering.