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Last update: July 26, 2024

PaymentInType object

This type represents the received incoming payment. Each PaymentInType instance represents a specific payment made by a customer to complete a purchase or settle an order.


Field Description
id String! The Id of the payment transaction.
organizationId String The Id of the organization associated with the payment transaction.
organizationName String The name of the organization associated with the payment transaction.
customerName String The name of the customer associated with the payment transaction.
customerId String! The Id of the customer associated with the payment transaction.
purpose String The purpose or reason for the payment.
gatewayCode String The code representing the payment gateway used for the transaction.
incomingDate DateTime The date and time when the payment was received or credited.
outerId String An external identifier for the payment, used for integration with external systems.
operationType String! The type of payment operation.
number String! The number assigned to the payment transaction.
isApproved Boolean Indicates whether the payment transaction is approved or not.
status String The status of the payment transaction, indicating its current state.
comment String An additional information related to the payment transaction.
isCancelled Boolean Indicates whether the payment transaction is cancelled or not.
cancelledDate DateTime The date and time when the payment transaction was cancelled.
cancelReason String The reason for canceling the payment transaction.
parentOperationId String The Id of the parent payment operation.
objectType String! The type of object.
createdDate DateTime! The date and time when the payment transaction was created.
modifiedDate DateTime The date and time when the payment transaction was last modified.
createdBy String The user or entity who created the payment transaction.
modifiedBy String The user or entity who last modified the payment transaction.
authorizedDate DateTime The date and time when the payment was authorized.
capturedDate DateTime The date and time when the payment was captured.
voidedDate DateTime The date and time when the payment was voided.
orderId String The Id of the associated order for which the payment was made.
price MoneyType The amount of the payment transaction.
sum MoneyType The total amount of the payment, including any taxes or additional charges.
tax MoneyType The amount of tax included in the payment.
paymentMethod OrderPaymentMethodType The payment method used for the transaction.
currency CurrencyType The currency used for the payment transaction.
billingAddress OrderAddressType The billing address associated with the payment transaction.
vendor CommonVendor The common vendor associated with the payment transaction.
transactions [PaymentTransactionType] Payment transaction details associated with the payment.
order CustomerOrderType! The customer order associated with the payment transaction.
dynamicProperties(...) [DynamicPropertyValueType] Dynamic property value types.