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Last update: December 2, 2024

createCustomerReview mutation

This mutation creates a new customer review for a specific entity, such as a product or service.


The CreateCustomerReviewCommandType represents the input data required to create a new customer review.

Field Description
storeId String! The unique identifier of the store where the review is being created.
userId String! The unique identifier of the user submitting the review.
userName String! The name of the user submitting the review.
entityId String! The unique identifier of the entity being reviewed.
entityType String! The type of the entity being reviewed.
entityName String! The name of the entity being reviewed.
title String! The title of the review, summarizing the user's feedback.
review String! The main content of the review, describing the user's experience.
rating Int! The numerical rating given by the user, typically ranging from 1 to 5.

Possible Returns

Possible Return Description
CustomerReview The newly created customer review, including all its details.


mutation($command: CreateCustomerReviewCommandType!) {  
  createCustomerReview(command: $command) {  
  "command": {  
    "storeId": "B2B-store",  
    "userId": "c50e5237-8a4c-41fe-b878-8e5a72390a08",  
    "userName": "JohnDoe",  
    "entityId": "24caa0d5a05145f3a3433a2930fbfb0f",  
    "entityType": "Product",  
    "entityName": "Television",  
    "title": "Great Product",  
    "review": "The TV quality is excellent and meets my expectations.",  
    "rating": 5  