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Last update: February 6, 2025

XAPI Modules Update Guide

This guide explains how to update XAPI modules in the Virto Commerce Platform after upgrading GraphQL.NET libraries from v4 to v8. Follow these steps to update references, initialize modules, and handle breaking changes. Be sure to thoroughly test your implementations after making these updates.

Affected libraries and modules

GraphQL.NET libraries were updated from v4 to v8. The following modules are affected:

  • VirtoCommerce.Xapi
  • VirtoCommerce.XCatalog
  • VirtoCommerce.XCart
  • VirtoCommerce.XOrder
  • VirtoCommerce.XCMS
  • VirtoCommerce.ProfileExperienceApi
  • VirtoCommerce.FileExperienceApi
  • VirtoCommerce.MarketingExperienceApi
  • VirtoCommerce.QuoteModule
  • VirtoCommerce.PushMessages
  • VirtoCommerce.TaskManagement
  • VirtoCommerce.Skyflow
  • VirtoCommerce.Contracts
  • VirtoCommerce.CustomerReviews
  • VirtoCommerce.Recommendations
  • VirtoCommerce.WhiteLabeling

Use the PowerShell script below to update references in your projects.

PowerShell script for updating xAPI module references

This PowerShell script automates the process of updating XAPI module references in .csproj files to specific new versions. Run this script before applying the code-level changes described in this guide.

The script scans all .csproj files in the solution directory, identifies package references for specified XAPI modules, and updates them to the desired versions as defined in a hashtable.


  • Run the script in the root directory of the solution.
  • Have the necessary permissions to modify .csproj files.


# Define the hashtable with package partial names and new versions
$hash = @{
    'VirtoCommerce.Xapi' = '3.901.0'
    'VirtoCommerce.XCatalog' = '3.900.0'
    'VirtoCommerce.XCart' = '3.900.0'
    'VirtoCommerce.XOrder' = '3.900.0'
    'VirtoCommerce.XCMS' = '3.900.0'
    'VirtoCommerce.ProfileExperienceApi' = '3.900.0'
    'VirtoCommerce.FileExperienceApi' = '3.900.0'
    'VirtoCommerce.MarketingExperienceApi' = '3.900.0'
    'VirtoCommerce.QuoteModule' = '3.900.0'
    'VirtoCommerce.PushMessages' = '3.900.0'
    'VirtoCommerce.TaskManagement' = '3.900.0'
    'VirtoCommerce.Skyflow' = '3.900.0'
    'VirtoCommerce.Contracts' = '3.900.0'
    'VirtoCommerce.CustomerReviews' = '3.900.0'
    'VirtoCommerce.WhiteLabeling' = '3.900.0'
    'VirtoCommerce.XRecommend' = '3.900.0'

# Get all .csproj files in the solution root directory and subdirectories
$solutionRoot = Get-Location
$csprojFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $solutionRoot -Recurse -Filter "*.csproj"

foreach ($csprojPath in $csprojFiles) {
    Write-Host "Processing file: $csprojPath"

    # Load the .csproj file into an XML document
    [xml]$csprojXml = Get-Content -Path $csprojPath.FullName

    # Namespace manager to handle XML namespaces (if any)
    $namespaceManager = New-Object System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager($csprojXml.NameTable)
    $namespaceManager.AddNamespace("ns", $csprojXml.Project.NamespaceURI)

    # Iterate through each package in the hashtable
    foreach ($partialName in $hash.Keys) {
        $newVersion = $hash[$partialName]

        # Find PackageReference elements that match the partial name
        $packageReferences = $csprojXml.SelectNodes("//ns:PackageReference[contains(@Include, '$partialName')]", $namespaceManager)

        foreach ($packageReference in $packageReferences) {
            # Update the Version attribute
            $packageReference.Version = $newVersion
            Write-Host "Updated $($packageReference.Include) to version $newVersion in file $csprojPath"

    # Save the modified XML back to the .csproj file
    Write-Host "Updated .csproj file saved at $csprojPath"

Execution steps

  1. Copy the script to a .ps1 file (e.g., UpdateXapiModules.ps1).
  2. Open PowerShell in the root directory of your solution.
  3. Execute the script:
  4. Verify that .csproj files were updated successfully by checking the updated versions in PackageReference entries.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Xml;

// Define dictionary with package partial names and new versions
var packageVersions = new Dictionary<string, string>
    { "VirtoCommerce.Xapi", "3.901.0" },
    { "VirtoCommerce.XCatalog", "3.900.0" },
    { "VirtoCommerce.XCart", "3.900.0" },
    { "VirtoCommerce.XOrder", "3.900.0" },
    { "VirtoCommerce.XCMS", "3.900.0" },
    { "VirtoCommerce.ProfileExperienceApi", "3.900.0" },
    { "VirtoCommerce.FileExperienceApi", "3.900.0" },
    { "VirtoCommerce.MarketingExperienceApi", "3.900.0" },
    { "VirtoCommerce.QuoteModule", "3.900.0" },
    { "VirtoCommerce.PushMessages", "3.900.0" },
    { "VirtoCommerce.TaskManagement", "3.900.0" },
    { "VirtoCommerce.Skyflow", "3.900.0" },
    { "VirtoCommerce.Contracts", "3.900.0" },
    { "VirtoCommerce.CustomerReviews", "3.900.0" },
    { "VirtoCommerce.WhiteLabeling", "3.900.0" },
    { "VirtoCommerce.XRecommend", "3.900.0" }

// Get all .csproj files in the solution root directory and subdirectories
var solutionRoot = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
var csprojFiles = Directory.GetFiles(solutionRoot, "*.csproj", SearchOption.AllDirectories);

foreach (string csprojPath in csprojFiles)
    Console.WriteLine($"Processing file: {csprojPath}");

    // Load the .csproj file into an XML document
    var csprojXml = new XmlDocument();

    // Namespace manager to handle XML namespaces (if any)
    var namespaceManager = new XmlNamespaceManager(csprojXml.NameTable);
    if (csprojXml.DocumentElement?.NamespaceURI != null)
        namespaceManager.AddNamespace("ns", csprojXml.DocumentElement.NamespaceURI);

    // Iterate through each package in the dictionary
    foreach (var package in packageVersions)
        string partialName = package.Key;
        string newVersion = package.Value;

        // Find PackageReference elements that match the partial name
        var packageReferences = csprojXml.SelectNodes($"//ns:PackageReference[contains(@Include, '{partialName}')]", namespaceManager);

        if (packageReferences != null)
            foreach (XmlNode packageReference in packageReferences)
                // Update the Version attribute
                packageReference.Attributes["Version"].Value = newVersion;
                Console.WriteLine($"Updated {packageReference["Include"]} to version {newVersion} in file {csprojPath}");

    // Save the modified XML back to the .csproj file
    Console.WriteLine($"Updated .csproj file saved at {csprojPath}");

Execution Steps

  1. Install dotnet-script if not already installed:
dotnet tool install -g dotnet-script
  1. Copy the script to a .csx file (e.g., UpdateXapiModules.csx).
  2. Open a terminal (Windows, macOS, or Linux) in the root directory of your solution.
  3. Execute the script:
    dotnet script UpdateXapiModules.csx
  4. Verify that .csproj files were updated successfully by checking the updated versions in PackageReference entries.

Now you can proceed with the code-level updates described.

Initialization changes

Single xAPI project example

// old
var assemblyMarker = typeof(AssemblyMarker);
var graphQlBuilder = new CustomGraphQLBuilder(serviceCollection);

// new
var graphQlBuilder = new GraphQLBuilder(serviceCollection, builder =>
    builder.AddSchema(serviceCollection, typeof(AssemblyMarker));

Core/Data XAPI project example

// old
var graphQlBuilder = new CustomGraphQLBuilder(serviceCollection);
graphQLBuilder.AddSchema(typeof(CoreAssemblyMarker), typeof(DataAssemblyMarker));

// new
var graphQlBuilder = new GraphQLBuilder(serviceCollection, builder =>
    builder.AddSchema(serviceCollection, typeof(CoreAssemblyMarker), typeof(DataAssemblyMarker));


The new AddSchema method will register GraphTypes, MediatR, AutoMapper, and Schema Builders.

Breaking changes

  • GraphTypeExtenstionHelper was changed to GraphTypeExtensionHelper.
  • The namespace VirtoCommerce.XDigitalCatalog.Queries was changed to VirtoCommerce.XCatalog.Core.Queries.
  • The async resolver AsyncFieldResolver was replaced with FuncFieldResolver. Example:

    // old
    Resolver = new AsyncFieldResolver<object>(async context =>
        var result = await _mediator.Send(new GetCountriesQuery());
        return result.Countries;
    // new
    Resolver = new FuncFieldResolver<object>(async context =>
        var result = await _mediator.Send(new GetCountriesQuery());
        return result.Countries;
  • The method GraphTypeExtensionHelper.CreateConnection now takes the name as the first parameter. ConnectionType.Name extension method is obsolete. Example:

    // old
    var listConnectionBuilder = GraphTypeExtenstionHelper.CreateConnection<WishlistType, object>()
    // new
    var listConnectionBuilder = GraphTypeExtensionHelper.CreateConnection<WishlistType, object>("wishlists");
  • The FieldBuilder.Create method now takes the name as the first parameter. FieldType.Name extension method is obsolete. Example:

    // old
    FieldBuilder.Create<CartAggregate, CartAggregate>(GraphTypeExtenstionHelper.GetActualType<CartType>())
    // new
    FieldBuilder<CartAggregate, CartAggregate>.Create("addItem", GraphTypeExtensionHelper.GetActualType<CartType>());
  • The EventStreamFieldType was replaced with FieldType, and IResolveEventStreamContext was removed. Example:

    // old
    _ = new EventStreamFieldType
        Name = "ping",
        Type = typeof(StringGraphType),
        Resolver = new FuncFieldResolver<string>(Resolve),
        AsyncSubscriber = new AsyncEventStreamResolver<string>(Subscribe),
    private async Task<IObservable<string>> Subscribe(IResolveEventStreamContext context) { //...
    // new
    _ = new FieldType
        Name = "ping",
        Type = typeof(StringGraphType),
        Resolver = new FuncFieldResolver<string>(Resolve),
        StreamResolver = new SourceStreamResolver<string>(Subscribe),
    private async ValueTask<IObservable<string>> Subscribe(IResolveFieldContext context) { //...

Obsolete warnings

  • Field methods that take a resolver or description as parameters are now marked as obsolete. Use extension methods instead. Example:

    // old
        description: "Address type",
        resolve: context => (int)context.Source.AddressType);
    // new
        .Description("Address type")
        .Resolve(context => (int)context.Source.AddressType);
  • The FieldAsync method was removed. Use the ResolveAsync extension method. Example:

    // old
    FieldAsync<StringGraphType>("outline", resolve: async context =>
        var response = await mediator.Send(loadRelatedCatalogOutlineQuery);
        return response.Outline;
    // new
        .ResolveAsync(async context =>
            var response = await mediator.Send(loadRelatedCatalogOutlineQuery);
            return response.Outline;
  • Make sure ExtendableField methods do not accidentally call async functions without async/await. Example:

    // compiles but will raise an exception at runtime
        context => dynamicPropertyResolverService.LoadDynamicPropertyValues(context.Source, context.GetCultureName()));
    // correct declaration
        async context => await dynamicPropertyResolverService.LoadDynamicPropertyValues(context.Source, context.GetCultureName()));

Settings updates

Some settings were moved to their corresponding X-modules and made public:

  • VirtoCommerce.Xapi.Core.ModuleConstants.Settings.General.IsSelectedForCheckout —> VirtoCommerce.XCart.Core.ModuleConstants.Settings.General.IsSelectedForCheckout
  • VirtoCommerce.Xapi.Core.ModuleConstants.Settings.General.CreateAnonymousOrder —> VirtoCommerce.XOrder.Core.ModuleConstants.Settings.General.CreateAnonymousOrder

Deprecated fields and mutations

Deprecated fields and mutations were removed to reduce redundancy and ensure schema clarity. Use the suggested alternatives:


  • DynamicPropertyType.valueType —> Use dynamicPropertyValueType instead
  • InputDynamicPropertyValueType.locale —> Use cultureName field
  • QuoteAttachmentType.mimeType —> Use contentType field
  • PriceType.validFrom —> Use startDate field
  • PriceType.validUntil —> Use endDate field
  • PropertyType.type —> Use propertyType field
  • PropertyType.valueType —> Use propertyValueType field
  • PropertyType.propertyDictItems —> Use propertyDictionaryItems field


  • renameWishlist —> Use changeWishlist mutation
  • processOrderPayment —> Use initializePayment mutation