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Last update: August 26, 2024


This article demonstrates how to configure countries and regions within Virto Commerce. These configurations are vital for tailoring the platform to specific geographic regions and localizations. We will explore how to customize the countries list, update regions, and manage localization for both country and region names.


Virto Commerce provides countries and regions as configurable lists. The data is stored in json files in the Platform app. You can configure the location of these files by modifying the following settings:

Node Default or Sample Value Description
VirtoCommerce:CountriesFilePath "localization/common/countries.json" Local path for countries list. By default, includes all countries worldwide.
VirtoCommerce:CountryRegionsFilePath "localization/common/countriesRegions.json" Local path for countries' regions list. By default, includes the states of the USA and regions of Canada.

Readmore Configuration settings

Countries list

Update the countries.json file as needed to customize the countries list. Retain only the countries maintained by your Platform instance and remove all others. For example:

    { "id": "CAN", "name": "Canada" },
    { "id": "USA", "name": "United States of America" }

Readmore Current countries.json file

Regions list

Update the countriesRegions.json file to add regions for the maintained countries if they're missing. For example:

     "id": "<<country code>>",
     "regions": [
        {"name": "<<Region name 1>>", "id": "<<region code 1>>" },
        {"name": "<<Region name 2>>", "id": "<<region code 2>>" },

Readmore Current countriesRegions.json file


Virto Platform Manager supports localization resources for text, captions, tips, etc. This includes country and region names. This is achieved by adding translations to the localization file(s):

  1. Copy the translations from an existing language file, such as the German translation file.

  2. Define Localization Keys:

  3. For country names, use the key format: "platform.countries." + <country code>.

  4. For region names, use the key format: "platform." + <country code> + <region code>.

Below is a snippet from the German translation file demonstrating the structure:

    "platform": {
        "countries": {
            "AFG": "Afghanistan",
            "EGY": "Ägypten",
        "CAN": {
            "NL": "Neufundland und Labrador",
            "NT": "Nordwest-Territorien",