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Last update: August 26, 2024

Extend cart query with custom parameter

To extend cart queries and incorporate a custom parameter, such as a contract ID:

  1. Override the existing cart query type with the extended version and specify a custom query handler:

    services.OverrideQueryType<GetCartQuery, GetCartQueryExtended>().WithQueryHandler<CustomGetCartQueryHandler>();
  2. Override the ShoppingCartSearchCriteria type to include the extended version:

    AbstractTypeFactory<ShoppingCartSearchCriteria>.OverrideType<ShoppingCartSearchCriteria, ShoppingCartSearchCriteriaExtended>();
  3. Create an extended version of the GetCartQuery, introducing the ContractId parameter:

    public class GetCartQueryExtended : GetCartQuery
        public string ContractId { get; set; }
        public override IEnumerable<QueryArgument> GetArguments()
            foreach (var argument in base.GetArguments())
                yield return argument;
            yield return Argument<StringGraphType>(nameof(ContractId));
        public override void Map(IResolveFieldContext context)
            ContractId = context.GetArgument<string>(nameof(ContractId));
  4. Implement a custom query handler to handle the extended GetCartQuery:

    public class CustomGetCartQueryHandler : GetCartQueryHandler
        public CustomGetCartQueryHandler(ICartAggregateRepository cartAggregateRepository,
            ICartResponseGroupParser cartResponseGroupParser)
            : base(cartAggregateRepository, cartResponseGroupParser)
        // Override the method to include the custom ContractId parameter in the search criteria.
        protected override ShoppingCartSearchCriteria GetCartSearchCriteria(GetCartQuery request)
            var requestExtended = (GetCartQueryExtended)request;
            var criteriaExtended = (ShoppingCartSearchCriteriaExtended)base.GetCartSearchCriteria(request);
            criteriaExtended.ContractId = requestExtended.ContractId;
            return criteriaExtended;

This implementation extends the original GetCartQuery by introducing a GetCartQueryExtended class that includes the additional ContractId parameter. The custom query handler, CustomGetCartQueryHandler, is responsible for handling this extended query and updating the search criteria accordingly.