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Last update: August 27, 2024


Table is a component that displays data in a tabular format. It is used to display large amounts of data in a structured format.


Explore the vc-table component in the VC Shell Storybook.


Include the vc-table component in your Vue application:


Create a basic table as follows:

    <vc-table :columns="tableColumns" state-key="tableStorageKey" :items="tableItems"></vc-table>

To start using all the available table properties, specify the vc-table component when creating the schema. For example:

    id: "tableId",
    component: "vc-table",
    property: "tableItems",
    columns: [
            id: "imageUrl",
            title: "Img",
            width: 60,
            class: "pr-0",
            type: "image",
        // ...

Table API

API empowers you to create dynamic and interactive table components to customize its appearance and behavior.

Basic Vue

You can easily incorporate the vc-table component into your Vue applications using simple templates.


To customize the appearance and behavior of table, use the following props:

Property Type Description
columns ITableColumns[] Array of table columns. Required.
items T[] Array of table items. Default: []. Required.
itemActionBuilder ((item: T) => IActionBuilderResult[]) Function to build item actions.
sort string Sort key for the table.
multiselect boolean Enable multiselect for the table.
expanded boolean Prop to pass from expanded blade prop. Default: true
totalLabel string Label for the total count of items.
totalCount number Total count of items. Default: 0
pages number Number of pages in the table. Default: 0
currentPage number Current page in the table. Default: 0
searchPlaceholder string Placeholder text for the search input.
searchValue string Value of the search input.
loading MaybeRef<boolean> Loading state of the table.
empty StatusImage Image, text and action to display when the table is empty.
notfound StatusImage Image, text and action to display when no items are found.
header boolean Enable table header. Default: true
footer boolean Enable table footer. Default: true
activeFilterCount number Count of active filters. Default: 0
selectedItemId string ID of the selected item.
pullToReload boolean Enable pull-to-reload functionality.
resizableColumns boolean Enable resizable columns. Default: true
reorderableColumns boolean Enable reorderable columns. Default: false
reorderableRows boolean Enable reorderable rows. Default: false
stateKey string Key to store the table state. Required.
selectAll boolean Enable select all functionality.


To interact with the vc-table component, use the emitted events.

Name Parameters ReturnType Description
paginationClick page: number void Emitted when the pagination is clicked.
selectionChanged values: T[] void Emitted when the selection is changed.
search:change value: string \| number \| Date \| null \| undefined void Emitted when the search value changes.
headerClick item: ITableColumns void Emitted when a table header is clicked.
itemClick item: T void Emitted when a table item is clicked.
scroll:ptr - void Emitted when the table is scrolled to the pull-to-reload position.
row:reorder args: { dragIndex: number; dropIndex: number; value: T[] } void Emitted when a table row is reordered.
select:all values: boolean void Emitted when the select all functionality is triggered.


To enhance the content of the vc-table component, use the slot system:

Name Type Description
header (props: any) => any Slot for header
filters (args: { closePanel: () => void }) => any Slot for filters
mobile-item (args: { item: T }) => any Slot for mobile item template
header_${string} (props: any) => any Dynamic column header slot
item_${string} (args: { item: T; cell: ITableColumns }) => any Dynamic column item slot
notfound (props: any) => any Slot for not found
empty (props: any) => any Slot for empty
footer (props: any) => any Slot for footer

Dynamic Views

To dynamically integrate the vc-table component into your views, use the schema interface:

interface TableSchema {
    id: string;
    component: "vc-table";
    property: string;
    multiselect?: boolean;
    header?: boolean;
    footer?: boolean;
    columns?: ITableColumns[];
    reorderableRows?: boolean;
    mobileTemplate?: {
        component: string;
    notFoundTemplate?: {
        component: string;
    emptyTemplate?: {
        component: string;
    visibility?: {
        method: string;

interface ITableColumns {
    id: string;
    width?: number | string;
    field?: string;
    alwaysVisible?: boolean;
    type?: "money" | "date-ago" | "date" | "time" | "date-time" | "image" | "status" | "status-icon" | "number" | "link";
    sortable?: boolean;
    class?: string;
    format?: string;
    align?: "start" | "end" | "center" | "between" | "around" | "evenly";
    title: string;
    sortable?: boolean;
    type?: string;
    customTemplate?: GridTemplateOverride;
        | boolean
        | { method: string; };

To incorporate the table into your dynamic applications, define the following properties:

Property Type Description
id string The unique Id for vc-table component.
component string vc-table
property string Property name that is used for binding table value to blade data.
Supports deep nested properties like property[1].myProperty.
Additionally, you have the flexibility to bind computed property that returns a value. Computed property should be defined in the blade scope.
multiselect boolean Enable multiselect for the table.
header boolean Enable table header. Default: true
footer boolean Enable table footer. Default: true
columns ITableColumns[] Array of table columns. Each column has properties like id, title, sortable, alwaysVisible, type, customTemplate, visible.
reorderableRows boolean Enable reorderable rows. Default: false
mobileTemplate {component: string} Mobile template for the table.
notFoundTemplate {component: string} Not found template for the table.
emptyTemplate {component: string} Empty template for the table.
visibility {component: string} Visibility state for the table.