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Last update: December 12, 2024

Manage Products

A product is a basic entity that represents an item that can be purchased in an online store. The Catalog module allows you to work with the following types of products

  • Physical product: Any physical object, such as a camera or a cell phone.
  • Digital product: Intangible products, such as software or music.
  • Product with a bill of materials: A special type of product that has a list of additional materials required for a specific item.

video tutorial

Readmore Managing product variations

Readmore Managing product configurations

Readmore Assigning user groups to products

Add product

To add a new product to your catalog:

  1. Click Catalog in the main menu.
  2. In the next blade, select the required catalog to open the Categories and Items blade.
  3. Click Add in the toolbar.
  4. In the New category item blade, select the type of the product to add.

    Adding a new product

  5. In the New Product blade, fill in the following fields:

    New product blade

  6. Click Create to save the changes.

The product has been added to the selected category or catalog.

View product details

To view the product details of the added product:

  1. Follow steps 1-3 from the instruction above.
  2. In the Categories and items blade, click the required product.


    In this step, you can copy the current URL and paste it into a new window to open the desired product immediately.

  3. The product details may be logically divided into two parts:

    • Fields and toggles: Products details fields
    • Widgets: Products details widgets

Setup product pack size

To ensure that orders are placed in the correct quantities, set a pack size for a product:

  1. In the main menu, click Catalog.
  2. In the next blade, select the required catalog.
  3. In the next blade, select the required product.
  4. In the next blade, set pack size.
  5. Click Save in the toolbar.

Add pack size

This helps suppliers fulfill orders smoothly without needing to cancel or unexpectedly adjust quantities:

Pack size on frontend