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Last update: January 22, 2025


Clicking on the Blogs widget opens the list of the all blogs in your Storefront. In the Content module, the blogs are folders with an unlimited number of files (posts) in them.

From the Blogs List, you can:

  • Add new blogs.
  • Upload new blogs.
  • Delete blogs.

Click on the three dots to left of the blog name to:

  • Download it.
  • Copy its link.
  • Delete it.

blogs list

Each blog contains an unlimited number of posts. The posts can have the following extensions:

  • .page - for posts that have been created in Page Builder and published.
  • .page-draft - for posts that have been created in Page Builder, but have not yet been published.
  • .md - for pages that have been created using markdown or html.

Create blog

New blogs can be:

  • Uploaded (see image above)
  • Added by clicking Add blog in the toolbar of the Blogs List blade. The following fields should be filled in:

New blog


Edit the fields to fill in by clicking Manage Metadata properties in the toolbar.

Create post

To create new post in your blog:

  • Use the upload feature (see image above).
  • Use Virto Commerce Page Builder to build posts from individual blocks by clicking Design Page in the blade below.
  • Use markdown or html by clicking Html Page in the blade below.

designer or html

Code-based creation

To create a new post using markdown or html, fill in the following fields in the Markdown tab:


Edit posts with .page and .page-draft extensions

In the Blogs list blade, select the desired post and edit the following fields:

Edit blog

Edit posts with .md extension

In the Blogs List blade, select the desired page and edit it as markdown or html:

edit md blog