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Last update: January 30, 2024

Generating API Key

To generate an API key for API authentication of a user you have created:

  1. Click Security in the main menu.
  2. In the next blade, click Users to open the Users blade.
  3. Select the required user.
  4. In the User information blade, click on the API key widget.


  5. In the Api key blade, click Generate in the toolbar. The new API key appears.

  6. Switch the Is active option to on to activate the key. If you deactivate your API key, the system will not allow API calls using the old key. If you deactivate and then reactivate your API key, the system will not allow the old key and will generate a new API key instead.
  7. Click OK to save the changes.


  8. Click Save in the User information blade.

The API key has been generated.