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Last update: January 22, 2025

Manage Shipping Methods

Managing shipping methods includes:

Select shipping method

To select a shipping method:

  1. In the main menu, click Stores.
  2. In the next blade, select the required store.
  3. In the next blade, click on the Shipping methods widget.
  4. The next blade displays the available shipping methods. Currently, we offer a fixed rate shipping method.

Shipping methods list

Edit shipping method

To edit a shipping method:

  1. Complete steps 1-4 from the instruction above and click on the required shipping method from the list.
  2. In the next blade:

    • Enable/disable the shipping method.
    • Select tax type from the dropdown list.
    • Specify logo URL.
    • Enter shipping method description.

    Edit shipping method

  3. Click Save in the toolbar to save the changes.

Your changes have been applied to the shipment method.

Configure tax provider

To configure a tax provider:

  1. Complete steps 1-2 from the instruction above.
  2. Click pencil next to the Tax type field.
  3. In the next blade:

    • Click Add in the toolbar to add a new tax type.
    • Click Delete in the toolbar to delete the unnecessary tax type.
  4. Click Save in the toolbar to save the changes.

Edit tax type

The tax provider has been configured.