Last update:
January 22, 2025
Manage Shipping Methods¶
Managing shipping methods includes:
- Selecting available shipping methods from the list.
- Editing shipping method.
- Selecting tax providers.
Select shipping method¶
To select a shipping method:
- In the main menu, click Stores.
- In the next blade, select the required store.
- In the next blade, click on the Shipping methods widget.
- The next blade displays the available shipping methods. Currently, we offer a fixed rate shipping method.
Edit shipping method¶
To edit a shipping method:
- Complete steps 1-4 from the instruction above and click on the required shipping method from the list.
In the next blade:
- Enable/disable the shipping method.
- Select tax type from the dropdown list.
- Specify logo URL.
- Enter shipping method description.
Click Save in the toolbar to save the changes.
Your changes have been applied to the shipment method.
Configure tax provider¶
To configure a tax provider:
- Complete steps 1-2 from the instruction above.
- Click
next to the Tax type field.
In the next blade:
- Click Add in the toolbar to add a new tax type.
- Click Delete in the toolbar to delete the unnecessary tax type.
Click Save in the toolbar to save the changes.
The tax provider has been configured.