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Last update: January 22, 2025

Use Tasks Application

To start using the Tasks application, click Apps-menu to open the applications menu.

  • My tasks opens the user's active and completed tasks.
  • All tasks opens all currently active tasks.
  • Archive opens all completed tasks.

All tasks can be filtered by:

  • Type.
  • Priority.
  • Due date.

Create tasks

To create a new task:

  1. Select All tasks and click Create.

  2. Fill in the fields:

    Field Description
    Type Select a task type from a dropdown list.
    Read more about creating and configuring task types in the Settings section.
    Summary Descriptive title.
    Description Task detailed description (optional).
    Priority Task priority. Select from a dropdown list:
    • Lowest.
    • Low.
    • Normal.
    • High.
    • Highest.
    Due Task deadline.
    Assignee From a dropdown list, select the employee the task is assigned to.
    Read more about Roles and permissions.
    Status Current task status. Assigned automatically.
    Attachments Attachments to the task.
  3. Click Save to save changes.

The assignee receives an email notification of the assigned task.


Process tasks

To process the assigned task:

  1. Open the assigned task using either way:

    1. Click a link in a notification email.
    2. Open the Tasks application and go to My tasks -> Active.
  2. Process the task:

    • Click Complete to complete the task. The task wil be archived with the Done status.
    • Click Reject to reject the task. The task wil be archived with the Canceled status.
    • Click Restore to restore the original version of the task.
    • Click Save to save changes.
    • Click Delete to delete the task.