Last update:
October 7, 2024
The Tax module provides a flexible way to evaluate taxes by using different tax providers and core abstractions for custom tax providers. It allows easy addition of custom tax calculation rules.
The module includes a FixedRateTaxProvider as a built-in tax provider.
The module provides an API to work with the tax provider list and allows you to connect the tax providers to a selected store. The list of available tax providers can be viewed and edited in the UI.
The Tax module requires preinstalled Store module.
Default providers¶
- FixedRateTaxProvider is a built-in tax provider included into the Virto Commerce Tax module. It calculates taxes based on fixed rates.
- Avalara.Tax is a real time integration with Avalara Tax automation. This module is officially certified by Avalara to be compatible with Avalara API.
Key features¶
With the Tax module, you can:
- Evaluate tax using different tax providers, including the built-in FixedRateTaxProvider, and easily add custom tax calculation rules.
- View the list of available tax providers on the user interface and edit their settings directly from the platform.
- Connect tax providers to specific stores and configure different tax rates based on location, product type, or other parameters.
- Implement custom tax providers by creating new modules that inherit from the abstract TaxProviderBase class.
- Register new tax providers programmatically by implementing the ITaxProvider interface.
- Access the list of available tax providers and their settings via the public API.
The diagram below illustrates the functionality of the Tax module: