Last update:
February 12, 2024
Version v3-2022-Q2¶
Virto Commerce Platform Core Pack¶
Current version of Virto Commerce platform version 3 core pack includes the following modules versions (latest release before 2022-06-01):
- vc-platform v3.216.0
- vc-module-assets v3.200.0
- vc-module-azureblob-assets v3.200.0
- vc-module-azure-search v3.203.0
- vc-module-bulk-actions v3.200.0
- vc-module-cart v3.201.0
- vc-module-catalog v3.213.0
- vc-module-catalog-csv-import v3.202.0
- vc-module-catalog-personalization v3.200.
- vc-module-catalog-publishing v3.200.0
- vc-module-core v3.200.0
- vc-module-customer v3.202.0
- vc-module-dynamic-associations v3.200.0
- vc-module-elastic-search v3.203.0
- vc-module-event-bus v3.201.0
- vc-module-experience-api v3.211.0
- vc-module-export v3.200.0
- vc-module-filesystem-assets v3.200.0
- vc-module-gdpr v3.201.0
- vc-module-google-ecommerce-analytics v3.200.0
- vc-module-image-tools v3.203.0
- vc-module-inventory v3.203.0
- vc-module-lucene-search v3.203.
- vc-module-marketing v3.200.0
- vc-module-notification v3.202.0
- vc-module-order v3.204.
- vc-module-payment v3.203.0
- vc-module-pricing v3.205.0
- vc-module-profile-experience-api v3.206.0
- vc-module-quote v3.201.
- vc-module-search v3.203.0
- vc-module-shipping v3.200.0
- vc-module-sitemaps v3.201.0
- vc-module-store v3.203.0
- vc-module-subscription v3.200.
- vc-module-webhooks v3.201.0
Virto Commerce Platform Integration Pack¶
Current version of Virto Commerce platform version 3 integration pack includes the following modules versions:
- vc-module-avatax v3.201.0
- vc-module-authorize-net v3.203.0
Digital Catalog Application - Package¶
Following modules are included into the package:
- vc-module-core
- vc-module-catalog
- vc-module-notification
- vc-module-bulk-actions
- vc-module-store
- vc-module-export
- vc-module-search
- vc-module-pricing
- vc-module-inventory
- vc-module-elastic-search
- vc-module-lucene-search
- vc-module-azure-search
- vc-module-customer
- vc-module-experience-api