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Last update: September 18, 2024


Checkout is the final stage of the online shopping process where customers provide payment and shipping information, review their order, and confirm the purchase.

To complete your order:

  1. Click Cart in the top menu to open the cart details:


    Here you can:

    • View the items you have ordered grouped by vendor.
    • Change the quantity of items ordered.
    • Delete items in bulk or individually.
    • Check items in bulk and indivudually.
    • Request for a quote.
    • Clear the cart.
    • View the gifts you can receive as part of a loyalty program. The gifts appear automatically and are preselected.
    • Apply a promotion code.
    • Proceed to checkout.

    Cart details

    The cart page may also show recently browsed products if this feature is enabled.

    Recently browsed products

  2. Click Proceed to checkout.


    The checkout process for carts containing only digital products does not include the Shipping step since digital products do not require shipping.

  3. Specify shipping details:

    • Select a shipping address from the list or add a new one.
    • Select a delivery method from the dropdown list: Ground or Air. The shipping cost appears in the order summary.
    • Enter your comments, if any.

    Shipping step

  4. Click Proceed to billing to proceed to the next step.

  5. Specify payment details:

    • Select a shipping address from the list, add new one, or check Same as shipping address.
    • Select a payment method from the dropdown list:
      • Bank card (Authorize.Net) adds the Payment step to the checkout process. It does not appear if you choose to pay manually.
      • Bank card (Skyflow) adds the Payment step to the checkout process. It does not appear if you choose to pay manually. Allows you to save credit cards for further payments and select previously saved cards from the dropdown list.
      • Manual payment allows you to pay for the order later.

    Billing step

  6. Click Review order to review your order details. You can not edit your information here, but you can return to any of the previous steps by clicking them in the navigation path menu.


    This step allows you to print your order.

  7. Click Place order. Depending on your choice in step 5, you will either be notified that the order has been successfully placed (manual payment. Last step of this instruction) or you will be offered to pay for the order (bank card payment). Fill in the bank card details, then click Pay now.


    In case of the Skyflow option, you can save card for future payments, and then select a previously saved card from the dropdown list. You can view your saved cards at Account → Saved Credit Cards.

    Readmore Saved Creadit Cards


  8. Your order has been successfully placed:


You can view your orders at Account → Orders.

Readmore Viewing orders